An Evening Out

An Evening Out

Pink dress

Pink shoes
$92 –

Ettika lariat necklace

Bracelet jewelry
$15 –

Circle glasses

Bobbi brown cosmetic

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Alice Olivia lace dress

Flat sandals

Leather handbag

Pearl earrings
$840 –

Chain necklace
$14 –

Round frame glasses

Christian Dior face powder
$64 –

Wet n Wild eyeliner
$6.69 –

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Eberjey activewear pants
$66 –

Converse sneaker
$80 –

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A Nice Chilly Day

A Nice Chilly Day

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I love camp. I love the people, the things the memories and of corse the activities. I love that you are just away from it all for a week and you have nothing to worry about. It really is the best thing in the world. The ‘real’ world is pushed to the side of my mind and any stress related to it is gone in a matter of minuets. I went to a getaway over the weekend. Because of the amount of stuff I have to do I thought it would be avery, very bad idea. I didn’t think I’d get anything out of it, horse or otherwise. Yes, I go to a ridding camp, it’s really where I found my love for horses.

But to my surprise it worked wonders for my stress. In bout five minuets I forgot everything and was just focused on making my dream a reality. I worked and worked, and really it was all just fun and games. I made some new friends, though they are camp friends I guess we’re close in some odd way, and I gained a confidence that I had forgotten I had. Even if that confidence was torn down the day I got home. I now know that I have become an even better rider, and almost a more pure human being. My camp self is nothing like when I’m at my school. It’s a side of me that rarely comes out, but I want it to show more, to show my raw colors.

Really I just wanted to say that I’m happy I found my second home, though I am rather sad that I am back.

Have a great ride, and keep reading


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About Polyvore

You might have noticed that my last two posts weren’t exactly ‘normal’. Not that a lot of things are ever really ‘normal’ on this blog. But those clothing items were really sets from a lovely website called Polyvore. Polyvore is a super amazing sight where you can make all sorts of cool and fun sets fro fashion, to beauty products to furniture and all sorts of other things. Its a fabulous way to express yourself and the community is very open and inviting. I would highly recommend looking the sight up, it’s also an app on phones and ipads. I’m not writing this review up because I have to, but more as a way to share. I really think it’s a great thing and it’s super fun. If you do decide to join and you want to see what other things that I do there my username is SkieRunner. I’m sure that I’ll follow back. Sorry for the short post but I have to go, I got a ton of homework todo and only a few hours to get it done.

Hope you all had a wonderful turkey day and thank you for viewing!

Hope you all on reading and creating,


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It’s that time of year again…

It's that time of year again...

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Its going to be a dark Thanksgiving…

Its going to be a dark Thanksgiving...
First of all sorry for not posting, life is crazy… Anyway, something tragic
happened this morning. A very close friend of mine,
I’ve known her since kindergarden if not earlier,
her father passed away unexpectedly this morning.
Needless to say, this changed out thanksgiving a lot.
And this set was just to help with all the anger, and pain
and numbness I am feeling. I might be a writer,
but I don’t know how to put this in words.
I never liked thanksgiving. Firstly, I’m not a big eater,
I like food but this is just ridiculous. And secondly I just never got it.
Sure, you should be thankful for things but I always took that for granted
. This tragic event has showed me that you must be thankful for everything,
there are the obvious things that when you going around the diner table
everyone saids, “Family,” food,” “a home,” “being as fortunate as you are.”
Those are wonderful things to be thankful for, and I’m sure we all are
thankful for them. But I am thankful for life.
We are all so lucky to have this short time on the earth.
And we are blessed to live in one of the best times in human history,
and though we are so lucky and having such a nice time on earth today.
We are killing the place we call home. I’m not going to make a whole speech
about how we are destroying a planet, but think about it. We are killing the place
that we call home. We only have about 80 short years here, don’t we want
it to stay around for 80 years after we leave?
But that is for another time. I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day,
Good bye, and keep reading

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Chosen ⊰ Intro ⊱

{Surprise, surprise it’s been a week, and so here is a new post. This is a mini teaser for a book that I’ve been working on now for over a year. If you haven’t figured it out it’s called Chosen. Now I promise to post at least once a week, hopefully on Fridays but sometimes in Saturdays as well. In the future though, I hope to post as much as three or four times a week. Well, enjoy.}


If you where chosen.
Chosen against all odds.
Chosen to do the impossible.
Chosen to succeed,
Whether you wanted to or not.
Would you?





She was born with her life all ready planed out. Her destiny would be the fate of the valley, and her life would be used for good.

All her life Kaɲɲa has been shielded from the hash truth. Her destiny has been chosen for her.  All she has to do is follow the instructions of her Aunt and Uncle and she wold be okay, she would make them proud and free The Valley from the dark forces that hold it. But for once Kaɲɲa is give the option, she has the chance to choose what she will do. But one wrong move and her whole world as she knows will flip. And the darker side of the valley she loves will be shown .

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Filed under Chosen ⊰One Wolf's Tale⊱

A Warm Welcome

Welcome to my home of the odd and awkward.

I do have a name, though for your sake and mine please just call me Skie, you know s-k-y just spelled a bit differently because I felt like it… Anyway I built this little place to put all my wacky and weird things. As you can see I am not a very serious person, though I come off as one in the real world. I am a writer and this little place will be the place that I dump all my ideas and stuff. No, I’m not just putting ‘free’ plots out for other people to take, but they’ll be snippets and things. 

I guess it would be a good idea to know a little about me before you continue on. Like I said I am a writer, I’ve been writing for about 5 or 6 years now. I’ve also been rping or roleplaying for about 4 years. For all of you who don’t know what rping is, don’t worry about it, I won’t be brining it up too much. Any who, I would consider myself a very creative person, and my friend would probably agree since I bombard them with ideas at least once a week. Yeah I do have to go to school, if I want to be an author I have to be educated, so that takes time away from my writing. 

I plan on posting at least once a week, most likely every Friday or Saturday unless something hits me. But this blog won’t just be for writing, I plan on dumping a bunch of other things on here- you’ll find out eventually- but for now this is good by. I just wanted to give you a nice warm welcome, and a little information about me so you aren’t totally scared away by my awkwardness and weirdness.

Have a crazy and weird day,



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